News reel:

A newsreel was a form of short documentary film prevalent in the first half of the century. It was a source of news, current affairs and entertainment for millions (not that millions are viewing my blog). Newsreels are now considered significant historical documents.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Easter was fun this year.  Last year the boys had big metal dump trucks as their Easter baskets.  So this year I needed something new for their Easter baskets.  I hated to spend money on something that might get broke, misplaced, or never used again.  The thought occurred to me, why not use empty paint cans.  I figure I could re-purpose those as cute storage in many many different ways, so that is just what I did.  I think they turned out pretty fantastic.  Wouldn't you know it was actually warm enough and the ground was not covered in snow like last year that the Easter bunny was actually able to hide their eggs outside.  Next year we will dye more eggs, a dozen each, at least that is what I have told Eugene.

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