News reel:

A newsreel was a form of short documentary film prevalent in the first half of the century. It was a source of news, current affairs and entertainment for millions (not that millions are viewing my blog). Newsreels are now considered significant historical documents.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mr. Block Head

Tate has made some random things in preschool this year aka "Mr. Block Head" being one of them.  Cole went to the same preschool and didn't make anything resembling any of them; but Tate loves it and I am trying to love the fact I have a million random nonsense things sitting around my house. (a stretch for me I KNOW).

1 comment:

  1. That is one problem with kids and their projects. They want to keep every cute little thing they make. I try and take a picture and then chuck the craft later....but I think they always know. It sure is a cute blockhead though.

    I sent you info about how to make yogurt on facebook.
