News reel:

A newsreel was a form of short documentary film prevalent in the first half of the century. It was a source of news, current affairs and entertainment for millions (not that millions are viewing my blog). Newsreels are now considered significant historical documents.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Warm Days = Boys & Mud

So it has warmed up here in Logan to 53 today. The boys have loved being able to go outside and play on the swing set and race their tonka trucks which has turned into who can crash the other two first derby. But all in all it has been really nice which leads to the previous pictures of MUD. It warms up and the snow/ice melts and Gryffin has found it to be loads of fun to play in and track into the house. He doesn't have one pair of shoes, and he has many, that doesn't have inches of mud caked on them.  Which in turn leads to to Brooke and I cleaning up after him continually throughout the day. Gryffin is not the only one guilty of this though, Tate and Cole have contributed but not on the same scale as Gryffin. My mother would say I've done worse and she's probably right. I guess its that little bit of bad that always seems to come along with the good. But who came blame boys and their love for mud.

By: Eugene

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it funny how when you live in Logan, anything above 45 degrees is considered warm?! I remember when we lived there and we would be so excited to go on a family walk because it was in the high 40's. And boys sure do love mud....and little girls too, just wait.
