News reel:

A newsreel was a form of short documentary film prevalent in the first half of the century. It was a source of news, current affairs and entertainment for millions (not that millions are viewing my blog). Newsreels are now considered significant historical documents.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Our Dearest Neighbors

We have the sweetest elderly couple, The Allens, that we are blessed to live next too.  The are both the dearest people and we often enjoy bringing them meals and visiting. (Mr. Allen looks exactly Pres. Hinkley's twin I just have to add that in) A couple weeks ago Mr. Allen fell and broke one of his ribs so today when we were blessed with a new blanket of snow I decided to get the boys outside with me while Sawyer slept and shovel their walk-ways, side walk, and drive way.  It was really a good time heaven knows I could use a few extra calorie burned, this pregnancy pooch is just lingering around.  The boys played on a little snow hill while I shoveled and we all had smiles on our faces despite the nasty wind gusts that kept freezing our ears.

1 comment:

  1. What a great neighbor you are! It is always nice to have great neighbors.
